Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology

Purpose and Functions:

The Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, and Emerging Technology, hereafter referred to as the Center, will bring together Computer Science department with several disciplines within the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences (CNBS) and other colleges within the California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) campus. The purpose of the Center is to integrate knowledge and expertise in all disciplines, supporting programs such as cyber defense, network security, bioterrorism, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and other related areas. The center will have the capacity to build infrastructure to provide funding for the space, equipment, systems and tools needed to support state-of-the-art research and educational activities, and the newly developed multidisciplinary programs. The center will involve a diverse group of faculty members and students collaborating in projects. The faculty and students will come from different disciplines within CSUDH and other institutions, community colleges and school districts to collaborate.